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O r i g n a l L y r i c s
1. Focus Groups
If humans really know nothing about what’s next, a cosmic observer might look at us and laugh at our overreactions, confidence, sorrow, fear, and ungratefulness. Or, maybe we are right to feel these things.
2. Make Me Stay
A soft but powerful observation of the tragedy of commitment. The things you love and are a part of take up your time, and eventually you have no time left to waste how you please..
S i n g l e s E P
Vibrant Way
The author recognizes his flaws, and the vibrant way in which he screws things up. He has had it too easy in life, and has a lack of empathy for hardship. Even though by some miracle the people around him are supportive, he doesn’t work with them to better himself. He ponders whether its better for him to keep trying, or just get as far away from people as possible, as to not disappoint/offend anybody else. His one saving grace is the love that he has to give, which is sincere.
V i b r a n t W a y (s i n g l e)
Summer Skin
At the surface, a song about how the end of summer creeps up on him while he is enjoying it most. He loves everything about it, and would miss it greatly if it were over. It feels like he lives and dies with summer, so if he is still alive, there must be some trace of Summer left. Ultimately a song about getting ready for the next season of life.
“Can we do this when we’re old” - laying down in the middle of the road is just one thing that seems acceptable at a young age, but wrong and irresponsible when you grow up. How many other things are coming to an end that you’ll never be able to do again?
S u m m e r S k i n (s i n g l e)
Sorrow Is A Virtue (full album)
Water lilies are rooted in the soil at the bottom of a lake, with their iconic flowers visible on the surface. Buddhists regard the water lily as a symbol of enlightenment because of the beautiful bloom that emerges from the mud. This collection of music is an appreciation of sorrow. Though we think we are better without it, there is no happiness, no passion, and no beauty if not contrasted with despair. It is our destiny to feel like shit sometimes, and in my opinion the most brilliant smile is a vibrant flower that manifests from the cold, desolate mud.
S o r r o w I s A V i r t u e (F u l l A l b u m)
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